What direction will my industry take?
Scientific trend studies for your industry
Sustainable strategic planning requires a long-term time frame – even if a decade seems to be a challenging forecast scale! Based on proven scientific methods, our scientists and trend researchers develop detailed future scenarios in our in-house trend studies for executives, leading innovators, change managers, and all company leaders involved in shaping the strategy of their organizations. Our studies provide both a theoretical foundation as well as concrete operational orientation.
Overview of current studies
01.06.2022 Die Zukunft der Kundenkommunikation 2030
Zum Download In den kommenden zehn Jahren werden wir die Marktreife und weltweit umfassende Verbreitung mehrerer Schlüssel-Technologien erleben. Jede...
28.06.2021 Die Zukunft der Prävention
Zum Download Die Welt verändert sich in einer Geschwindigkeit, die wir vor einigen Jahren noch nicht für möglich gehalten haben. In den letzten 30...
18.05.2021 Die Zukunft der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft
Zum Download Die vorliegende Studie „Die Zukunft der sozialen Marktwirtschaft“ entstand von Frühjahr 2020 bis Frühjahr 2021 unter der...
22.03.2021 Die Zukunft von Marken
Zum Download In den nächsten zehn Jahren wird unsere Gesellschaft mit einer Vielzahl von sich gegenseitig verstärkenden Krisen konfrontiert sein....
15.06.2020 Die Zukunft des Quantum Computings
Zum Download Diese Studie soll Licht auf die immaterielle Zukunft des Quantencomputers im Jahr 2030 werfen.Fast einhundert Jahre nach der Entdeckung,...
30.04.2020 Financial Services 2030 - Eine neue Ära für Finanzdienstleister
Zum Download In den nächsten zehn Jahren wird die Entwicklung neuer Technologien alle Branchen erfassen. Auch der Finanzdienstleistungssektor wird...
10.03.2020 Zukunftsstudie zu KI & HR: Human-Digitale-Teams der Zukunft
Wie künstliche Intelligenzen und Menschen in Zukunft in Teams zusammenarbeiten. Zum Download Die Dampfmaschine der Zukunft heißt künstliche...
05.12.2019 ZukunftsIndex 2019.1: Hohe Investitionen aber sinkendes Zukunftsklima
Investitionen in Innovation bleiben überdurchschnittlich hoch. Aber nur 30% halten Deutschland für zukunftsfähig. 72% aller Unternehmen haben kein...
25.09.2019 Studie Unternehmensstrategien 2019.1: Radikales Umdenken in der Strategiearbeit hat stattgefunden
Im Sommer 2019 hat der 2b AHEAD ThinkTank eine Studie zu den Zukunftstrends in der Strategiearbeit deutscher Unternehmen durchgeführt. Hier...
27.02.2018 Customer Dialogue 2025 – A Dialogue Between Intelligent Systems
New trend study: Customer Dialogue 2025 – A Dialogue Between Intelligent Systems > From the customer's perspective, dialogue with companies will...
16.01.2018 Trend study: The Future of Health Insurance
New trend study describes the transformation of traditional health insurance companies into predictive health promoters through 2030 > The...
12.10.2017 Trend study: Safety 2027
Safety and security will need to be supplemented by new terminology by 2027. As a result of digitalization, virtually 100% of everyday objects,...
16.05.2017 The Future of Intellectual Property
*Patent and trademark offices struggle to keep up with the increasing speed of innovation and product life cycles as well as with growing numbers of...
15.05.2017 German companies view their businesses as poorly prepared for AI
Trend climate in German companies continues to be positive * Most important new trend: Employee satisfaction is now a key focus for companies *...
30.11.2016 Trend Study: The Future of Insurance
The trend researchers of the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank have once again produced a groundbreaking trend study for the insurance industry – by now the...
27.09.2016 Executive Summary: Textile Customers 2026
* Technology is changing products and customer needs in textiles, fashion and apparel * Erase the terms "standard" and "mass market" from your...
07.09.2016 The Safe Building of the Future
Technology will change our conception of safety and security * Safety will no longer be a question of walls, fences, or camera systems. Every...
31.08.2016 Trend Study: The Pharmacies of the Future
Digitalization will transform the roles and tasks of tomorrow's pharmacies: The Ten Drivers Behind the ChangesYour Chance to Shape the Future: Five...
16.12.2015 Trend Study: Omnichannel Management for Logistics
Omnichannel management places customer relations on an entirely new foundation. Logistics experts who today integrate and connect customer...
30.06.2015 The Personalized Medicine of the Future
The future of medicine will be personalized The idea of medical care specifically tailored to the individual is not new. However, in the future our...
20.03.2015 Omnichannel Management for the Future of Insurance
What will the future of insurance look like? The insurance business is currently facing a profound period of upheaval. Technological developments...
10.03.2015 Omnichannel Management for Banks in the B2B Segment
The future of banking is omnichannel Customer communication that is integrated across all channels will be the new standard for companies in the near...
06.11.2014 HR Management of the Future: HR Strategies for the World of Full Employment
HR strategies for the future Together with sponsor SAP, the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank has completed a qualitative trend study on the world of human...
11.09.2014 Insurance 2020
Innovation in insurance models Our new trend study, "Insurance 2020," was conducted in partnership with insurance carrier HUK Coburg and with Unify...
18.02.2014 The Future of Insurance
The insurance market of tomorrow Together with international insurance corporation Standard Life and communications services provider Unify, the 2b...
14.01.2014 The Future of Stationary Trade
Bringing innovation to the core stationary trade The trend research specialists at the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank have published a new trend study on the...
14.10.2013 The Future of Sales
The trend towards digitalization The number of studies and white papers covering the emerging technology of mobile payment has multiplied heavily...
Knowing emerging trends means being able to act before the competition
With our trend studies, you will gain valuable strategic action recommendations for positioning yourself successfully towards customers and competitors as a leading innovator in your industry.
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